Back to Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters


"All Aboard!!!"

Welcome to the Hogwarts Express!!!!  My name is Wendy, but I am known by most as the plump witch pushing the food cart.  It is my job to make the ride for students, such as yourself, more comfortable.  When I'm not pushing my cart, I can always be found up front with our charming conductor.  He says your ride will last several hours; you students should be naturally hungry.  So, would you like "Anything off the cart, dear?".  You never know- it's possible that my food, even though not entirely healthy, could help you make better descions and act better when you first arrive at Hogwarts because you have been nourished.  You might even somehow earn housepoints because you bought some of my food.  Here's what I have:


Ice Cold Pumpkin Juice- 2 Sickles and 1 Knut

Cauldron Cakes- 1 Sickles and 20 Knuts

Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans- 2 Sickles and 6 Knuts

Drooble's Best Blowing Gum- 1 Sickles and 1 Knut

Chocolate Frogs- 2 Sickles and 9 Knuts

Pumpkin Pasties- 1 Sickles and 13 Knuts

Licorice Wands- 1 Sickles and 3 Knuts


Be sure you have money in your Gringotts vault before you purchase anything.  Everything is delicious in my opinion.  If you buy some Every Flavor Beans, I will reply with some of the flavors you bought.  When you buy Chocolate Frogs, I will reply with the wizard card you received.  That card will also show up in your list of possessions in Gringotts.  You can trade these cards with friends, too.  Other than that, enjoy your journey to Hogwarts!!!!  We will be arriving shortly.





