Welcome to Hogsmeade!!!


Welcome to Hogsmeade!!!!!  My name is Madam Rosmerta and I will be taking over from here.  This wizarding village is the only completely muggle-free settlement in Britian!!!!  Starting with thrid-years in Hogwarts visit about once every term.  Some people rumor that there is a secret tunnel somewhere from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade but I don't believe it.  This village also has much historical significance.  Our inn was the headquarters for the 1612 goblin rebellion.  And the "Shrieking Shack" on the hill is probably the most severely haunted building in Britian.  So enjoy your stay.  Whenever you buy something, send me an email with your wizard name, the item you're buying, its cost, your Gringotts vault number, and your Gringotts vault password.  Come visit me in Three Broomsticks.  Here's some places to be sure to visit:


Devish and Banges


Zonko's Jokeshop

Post office

Three Broomsticks

Shrieking Shack

Gladrags Wizardwear



Can't wait for some new stuff in Hogsmeade?  COMING SOON: own and run your own shops!  For more info, email me or visit Diagon Alley.



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