



Head of house(in books):      Proffessor McGonagall

Head of house(on this site):      Elisa Moody      

                  Founder:      Godric Gryffindor

                              Ghost of house:      Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington                                              (Nearly Headless Nick)

Mascot (Animal):      Lion                  

              House Color:      Scarlet and Gold     






Welcome to the Gryffindor common room.  To join Gryffindor or any other common room, click on the join Hogwarts link in Hogwarts.  Then click on join as a student and do as it says.  Also please join the Quidditch team.  I hope to see you here soon!!!!!

Prefects:  Alicia Pinnet

Fibi Persyris

Lita Seance`

Harry1 Potter2



Quidditch team:

Chaser:   Angelina Johnson
Chaser:   Katie Nell
Chaser:   Alicia Pinnet
Beater:   Hermione Granger
Beater:   Lita Seance`
Keeper:   Gabrielle Delacour
Seeker:   Lavender Brown


Backup team and substitutes:

Crystal Starlight

Moon Petals (seeker)


Sorry, the team is full.  But we still need some backup players!!!!  Please sign up for Quidditch today!!!!!!!!




Members of Gryffindor:

Gabrielle Delacour (2nd year)


                 Lavender Brown (2nd year)-  Hi! My name is Lavender Brown, and my favorite teacher at Hogwarts is Professor Trelawney. She is so amazing with that crystal ball of hers! I want to be just like her. My favorite class is Divination. I love being in the Gryffindor House with Harry Potter.


                   Angelina Johnson (2nd year)-  I have brown hair and brown eyes, I love playing Quidditch. I am even on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. my favorite class is Transfiguration. A lot of people say I am very sporty but shy.   Gotta go, bye.


                    Katie Nell (2nd year)-  I'm not short but not tall so I'm in the middle. I have brown hair and brown eyes. Quidditch is definitely my favorite sport. How can anyone not like it? I hope that I can make my house's team! My favorite subject Charms cuz I love to make objects fly around and stuff. I also love Care for Magical Creatures cuz I love animals.



                 Alicia Pinnet (2nd year)-  Hi my name is Alica Pinnet. I am a smart girl who has blond hair and brown eyes. My favorite subject is Care of Magical Creatures. I like to deal with mystical and strange creatures that I never saw before. I also like Tranfiguration. I hope Katie Nell (my best friend) and I make the Quidditch team. I just love quidditch. My dad and me practiced every day before I started Hogwarts. Well, thats it bye!



                Adam Lampshade (2nd year)-   I have brown hair, silver eyes (contacts, of course) and thin. I play lots of sports and so I'm strong for my size.



                   Lita Seance` (2nd year)-  Tall, thin, brown/red hair with black on the very bottom, eye color changes --- grey; green; amber; light-brown, defensive, protective, controling during crisis, nasty and unpleasant during fights or arguments (but not to her friends, peiced ears; navel; and tongue (luuuuuuuuuuuuuvs leather and silver stuff), luvs to sing, luvs to dance, luvs acting (very very energized), boy crazy---in other words, along with all the other things she luvs..she <3's her Boy!!!!!!



            Moon Shadows (2nd year)-  tall skinny strawbery blond hair turquise eyes.


            Hermione Granger (2nd year)-  I am a short girl with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes.  I like to play soccer quidditch (hee,hee) and I like to sing.  Many people think I'm really funny.  I really like to sing, and if one of the classes at Hogwarts was a "wizard choir" I would be first in line to sign upfor it.



           Sean Midnight (2nd year)-  Blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny, tall, wealthy, nice, no freckles.


                Cedric Black (2nd year)-  I'm a medium sized boy with brown eyes and black hair. I like to make people laugh and I have this thing with animals they seem to understand me. I would like to become an animangi.


                Luna Avriel (2nd year)-  tall, thin, brown eyes, brown hair, tanned, crazy, extremely energized, luvs boys like Justin Timberlake.


             Fibi Persyris (2nd year)-  I am a strong-willed person with an extremely short temper. I do quite well in Quidditch, and I am a very good student with excellent marks. I enjoy Quidditch and the History of Magic, another one of my favorite classes if Transfiguration.


                            Turquoise Andre` (2nd year)- Big, wide,turquoise eyes, short blonde, (short like to my chin, angeled too), tall, mellowed out, likes quidditch.

                   Dumblearry (2nd year)-  I am a tall girl with black hair and brown eyes.I like to joke around with friends, play with them and talk to them.I don't know which subject is my best one yet. So thats it.



                  Blair (2nd year)-  I am short, have black hair blue eyes, luv animals.  I luv animals so much I am training to an animagi.  My favorite class is care of magical creatures.  thanx

             Ben Monkhouse (2nd year)-  Quite tall boy, with short dark hair, usually messy. I'm always making lame jokes that some people think are funny.



           Alice Biel (2nd year)-  I have blonde hair and green eyes I like to ride my bike and do ballet with my twin sister chiana.  I like to play football and the piano and I having been flying the family broomstick since age 3.



              Osiris Gallant (2nd year)-  I have Gold (like the meatal) hair, green eyes And about 5'4" tall.  I like to WATCH quidditch (I stink at playing it).  My favorite color is Emerald green.  I enjoy careing for animals.



Canis Black (2nd year)-  I am a girl with black hair, dark brown eyes, tall and. . .well. . scrawny. I love to meet friends, have a great sense of humour, take risks, and have fun all around. I don't always study, but I try. I love flying around on my broom . . stunts are amazing!! I push the limit in everything i do. I can play Quidditch, and am studying on how to become an Animagi. I can perform spells averagely.



            Ashlin (2nd year)-  hi. My name is Kasyolie and I loooovvveee m creatures. my favorite classes are care of magical creatures and herbology.  I'm very outgoing I like to talk.  I think I would be perfect for Gryffindor because (I think) I'm very brave.  I do wish to become an Animagi and a chaser on the quidditch team.



           Crystal Starlight (2nd year)-  I am about 5 foot 3 inches. I have brown hair with blonde highlights that goes to my shoulders. I love making friends. I like to talk, laugh, tell jokes and I like animals. I want to learn as much as I can.



       Moon Petals (2nd year)-  Tall, skinny, blue eyes, brown hair, luv sk8boardin and nething else I can find.



      Melanie Diggory (2nd year)-  I am a girl, medium height. I have brown hair, and green/blue eyes with golden rings around my pupils.  I love animals, and if I were an animagi I would be a chimpanzee. My favorite class is transfiguration. I love to act. If I were a Muggle I would be a lawer though, because I am very good at arguing.



Harry1 Potter2 (2nd year)-  animlgi of owl, love:) charms



               Holly Days (1st year)-   I am a tall girl, I have very light brown hair and brown eyes, I make wise choices, I bassically do everything right, I put lots of work in in assingments, and i am quite daring at some stuff.



Brandon Antony (1st year)-  I'm a tall boy with dark brown eyes, I love to goof around with friends. I have a thing with the dark arts even though i hate Lord Voldemort. I would love to be a auro when i grow up. I love to sing and i'm also pretty good at it.



         Claire Weasley (1st year)-  I'm tall with silver hair that has royal blue streaks. i have brown eyes. i love laughing, making friends, talking, and singing. I'm a natural at flying. My fave subjects are dada and charms. I also rock at potions. I have an owl and a black rat. And that's all i can think of right now.



      Hermione Potter (1st year)-  I'm tall for my age.I have long alburn hair.I'm very good at magic and Quidditch.I love to read and do art. I'm not full blood witch/wizard. I'd rather be called a wizard than witch. Somebody far backin my family tree was a witch/wizard,and I got it and nobody else did. I'm a parsel mouth.





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