



Head of house(in books):      Proffessor Sprout

Head of house(on this site):      Aeroann Sorcera        

                        Founder:      Helga Hufflepuff

     Ghost of house:      the Fat Friar

Mascot (Animal):      Badger      

               House Color:      Yellow and Black







Welcome to the Hufflepuff common room.  To join Hufflepuff or any other common room, click on the join Hogwarts link in Hogwarts.  Then click on join as a student and do as it says.  Also please join the Quidditch team.  I hope to see you here soon!!!!!


Prefects:  Angelina Spinnet

Salisia Lippshil

Ginny Weasley

Lucentio Takashima

Jess Plintz





Quidditch team:

Chaser:   Salisia Lippshil
Chaser:   Cho Ling
Chaser:   open
Beater:   open
Beater:   Angelina Spinnet
Keeper:   open
Seeker:   Chiana




Members of Hufflepuff:

                   Salisia Lippshil (2nd year)-  I am a tall sorceress (in training) with medium length brown hair, dark hazel eyes.  I am very expressive of my beliefs and when it comes to poking fun at one of my friends, I just won't stand for it!  I enjoy creative writing, poems, drama, and the good ol' muggle sport of basketball. (being tall pays off)  I have a strange yet rather good sense of humor!  I am wrather talented at casting spells and transfiguration, but when it comes to potions, eeeeshhh!



          Ginny Weasley (2nd year)-  Im ginny wesley u may already know my brothers Ronald, Fred, George, Bill, Percy, and Charlie. Like my older brothers I have a bigliion freckles and red hair more laters.


                    Katie Bell (2nd year)-  I have dirty blonde hair, blue eyes; I like playing quidditch, reading, animals, and herbology.


               Angelina Spinnet (2nd year)-   I am medium height and kind of skinny. I have really long red hair and bright green eyes. I am really talkative around my friends but I am kind of shy around teachers. I am a really good listener. I love quiditch! I really hope I get to play for my house team. I think I would do good at seeker. When my Dad went to Hogwarts he was on his house team and so was my Mom. I also love animals and hope to be an animungus. I love Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures and Charms.


             Lizzy Spellbound (2nd year)-  I am tall, thin, and blonde with blue eyes. I'm wise and have a level mood. I'm a "people person" and I'm successful, follow rules, and good hearted.



                 Emily James (2nd year)- I'm a short pretty girl. I love to talk and play sports. I'm a good athlete. I absolutly adore flying on broom sticks.



               Ruby Weasley (2nd year)-  I'm a 13-year-old girl with shoulder-length red hair, I'm tall, and I have a way with animals. My goal is to become an Animagus.  My favorite classes are Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.  I also love reading and visiting Dobby the house-elf in the kitchen.



                   Chiana (2nd year)-  I am short and I have brown eyes.  I have dirty blonde hair too. I love to laugh and talk (my nick name is motor mouth).  I have a thing fir gardens and reading horoscpes but my favorite subjects are care of magical creatures and transfiguration.  I like singing too.


                     Hannah (2nd year)-  Tall, brown hair, blue eyes.  Likes to dance, draw, and act. Also likes Harry Potter and being creative.



               Ashlin Porder (2nd year)-  I am a tall funny girl with cool hair. My favorite class is the Old World Magic class ! ! ! ! Instructor Ravnicity is sooo cool!!!



                      Brittany (2nd year)-  I am a tall girl with dark brown hair and eyes; I love to make jokes, laugh, and talk, always talk; I seem to have a thing for animals- I am even on my way to becoming an Animagi. Yep, my favorite subjects are Transfiguration and Care for Magical Creatures. I also love signiing and acting in plays. That's about it.


                    Luna Nebula (2nd year)-  I am a brown haired, nice girl.  I love animals, and I love to assist anyone who is in need.  I love science!  I love to fly on my new broomstick!  My favorite subjects are Flying, Charms, and I love to take care of the beautiful Unicorns!  My Cousin Is Salisia Lippshil!  HEY SALISIA!


             Athalia Vendredi (2nd year)-  medium hieght (kind of on the short side), olive colored eyes, dirty blonde shoulder lenght hair, fairly tan skin, and best friends with Liv DeLyran and Lita Seance`



                   Nicole Erodeldore (2nd year)- girl with brown hair and brown eyes.  I like to get work done but also have fun.  I'm brave and I love quidditch!


           Natalie McDonald (2nd year)-  I am tall with light brown hair and blue eyes. I love to learn new thing and read. When I become a full-fledged witch, I want to become a Professor just like Professor McGonagall. (I do look up to her ya know!) My favorite subjects are Transfiguration and Muggle Syudies. (i like to learn about the other kind!) I am very intellegent when it comes to Muggle Studies. (probably because i have so many books about them!) Anyway, I love to learn and I can be anything I want if I try hard and if I really want to!



       Cho Ling (2nd year)-  tall, nice, smart I love to sing and I love Harry Potter books!!! and I am smart.




Hermwinie (2nd year)-  Brown hair and eyes.Very intelingent!!!!!.



Chelsea Dunavin (2nd year)-  I am 5' feet tall with brown hair and blue eyes and I am very cyte~~~~****~~~~and I really wanna do magic and have fun in school!!! -Chelsea



Hillary Crescent (2nd year)-  I am a young witch who loves getting into trouble. While being a bit on the lazy side I love to have fun. I am also a Cheerleader! I love my muggle sisters even if they are a bit annoying. Oh Yeah and I want to say hi to my cousins Salisia Lippshil and Luna Nebula! Hey guys! See you all soon! GOOOOOO HOGWARTS! YAY!


Fleur Weasley (2nd year)-  Tall red hair, blue eyes, and I am a Weasley.



Harry Potter (2nd year)-  Medium-sized, kind, brown hair.



       Angelina Frimpleloff (2nd year)-  I have hazel eyes and brown hair.  I love transfiguration.  I hate potions.  Meals in the Great Hall and afternoons off at Hogwarts are the best!!!!



     Jess Plintz (2nd year)-  I am sort of on the short side with blue eyes and light brown hair. My favorite subjects are Charms, Arithmancy and Herbology. I enjoy watching Quidditch as well as playing it. I would love to be on my house team! My when I play with my other witch and wizard friends I usually play Keeper.



Justin (2nd year)-  tall cool brown hair.


            Lucentio Takashima (2nd year)- Loyal, friendly, kind-hearted, honest, smart, brave in some ways
I like to read, act, sing, dance, watch tv.



               Hermione Granger Jr. (1st year)- Blond, green/blue eyes, bookworm, tall.


          Jamie Granger (1st year)-  I am Hermione's little sister. I have bushy, light brown hair like Hermione, and hazel eyes. I like to act and read. I'm short and I have a crush on Harry.


Moon Shine (1st year)



      Syhla Troggin (1st year)-  I am 5'6, i have blue green eyes and shoulder length blonde hair. i live with my uncle who is a wizard. i love dragons and unicorns. my favorite classes are Charms, Transfiguration, and Care of Magical. i have always wanted to become an anigami(i want to turn into a horse or cat or dog)



Shaun Potter (1st year)-  Brown hair blue eyes I am afraid of spiders I love dangerous creatures,I am a good beater and I am pure blood.



          Afroz Granger (1st year)-  Dark brown eyes. black hair. 4 ft tall. thats all!  I love to read too





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