Welcome to the
virtual headquarters of England's Ministry of Magic. Many
positions are open. Please get a job today. Heads
of Departments are required to make their own page for their department;
if you cannot do this, contact
me. Heads are also required to post their email address
so that people who wish to apply for a job in their department
can (Heads review the "resume`" of people, hire , and
contact me with the names of the new workers). Heads of
Departments earn 30 Galleons and workers in most departments earn
20 Galleons. Pay checks are given monthly. Some
of our departments are listed below. I did Magical Games
and Sports as an example (for now at least; I'd prefer you made
your own page).
Department for
the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
Department for
the Missuse of Muggle Artifacts
Committee on Experimental
Committe of the
Disposal of Dangerous Creatures
Goblin Liason
Accidental Magical
Reversal Squad
American Embassy
Hogwarts School
To join the English
Ministy of Magic or start your own department, or anything with
the Ministry, email me at Mystica@the-ministry-of-magic.co.ukwith your wizarding name, email, what department,
what postion, and somehting about yourself (why
you should be hired, etc). I will reply from that email
address. If you only want to be a "worker"
and not a Head, I will forward your name to the Head when they
are hired. Thank you.