As you all probably
know, it is important to earn money and housepoints. Housepoints
support your house in Hogwarts and could lead to the House Cup
awarded at the end of the term. Money helps you to buy supplies,
jokes, etc. Here is a list of the many ways to earn
housepoints and money.
-Do homework. The
harder the homework, the more housepoints.
-Sending me ideas. Two
minds are better than one so if you know a way I can improve my
site, send me your idea. If it's about Hogwarts, you
get housepoints; if it's about anything else, you'll get money.
-Winning a Quidditch
match. Sign up today! Every house needs
a full team to play!
-Succesfully using
a joke item. First you buy it. Then you
email me saying you used it. I make an annoucement
in Hogwarts and if nobody betrays you and says you did it after
about 3 weeks, you're house gets 100 housepoints and you
get 15 Galleons. If someone does, then your house loses
100 housepoints and you get a detention. The house
person who betrays you gets 30 housepoints.
-Betraying someone
with a joke item. If you know of someone with a joke item,
and I make an annoucement at Hogwarts saying one was used, you
can betray the person if you want. This will earn your house
30 housepoints and the house of the person with the joke item
loses 100 housepoints and the person gets detention.
-Telling someone
to join. Tell the person(s) to say you told them to
join and you're house will get 20 housepoints per person. You'll
get 10 Galleons per person.
-Writing, drawing,
etc. fan fiction, art, poetry, etc. I'll probably give
you around 100 housepoints and 200 Galleons or more plus fame
with your wizard name for the author!!!!!!!!!!!
-Winning a contest.
The rewards depend on the contest.
-Sending me ideas. Two
minds are better than one so if you know a way I can improve my
site, send me your idea. If it's about Hogwarts, you
get housepoints; if it's about anything else, you'll get money.
-Being a teacher
in Hogwarts. All you have to do is make one homework
each month and you'll get 25 Galleons. Head of houses
get 30 Galleons.
-Sending me rumors. Each
rumor is worth 5 Galleons.
-Writing Daily
Prophet articles. You'll get 10 Galleons no matter
what. Try to set a record for the highest paying article. We
only have a few, but already someone got 60 Galleons for one article.
-Succesfully using
a joke item. First you buy it. Then you
email me saying you used it. I make an annoucement
in Hogwarts and if nobody betrays you and says you did it after
about 3 weeks, you're house gets 100 housepoints and you get 15
Galleons. If someone does, then your house loses 100
housepoints and you get a detention. The house person
who betrays you gets 30 housepoints.
-Telling someone
to join. Tell the person(s) to say you told them to
join and you're house will get 20 housepoints per person. You'll
get 10 Galleons per person.
-Writing, drawing,
etc. fan fiction, art, poetry, etc. I'll probably give
you around 100 housepoints and 200 Galleons or more plus fame
with your wizard name for the author!!!!!!!!!!!
-Winning a contest.
The rewards depend on the contest.