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      All magical peoples!!!!



Welcome one and all to United Magical Peoples
(UMP).  We are a new wizarding organization
with the goal is to unite magical peoples throughout
the world by eliminating the great distances.
UMP was created in the new millennium, to suit
the new needs of wizards and other magical
peoples.  We were formerly known as the
International Confederation of Wizards, but
now we haven expanded the number of peoples we
serve.  Wizards, witches, hags, giants, dwarves,
werewolves, elves, gnomes, druids, fairies- all
and many more are welcome!  At this point in
time, only the U.K. has made their world virtual,
but in the future we hope for many other countries
to follow suit.  We are hoping that Bulgaria,
France, India, the United States, and a few
other countries will follow suit and join this elite


United Kingdom



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