
by Mystica the Webmistress

Send your articles in today!!!!!!  They will be published with YOU as the author!!!!  Write about whatever you want: stories, sports, editorials, and all other types of articles welcomed.  Then send it to me by clicking the icon.  Depending on quality and quantity(length), you receive different amounts of money for your article.  No matter what, you'll at least get 10 Galleons.*  The maximum is, well, who knows?  But first you've got to write the article.  So come on, write as many as you like and have fun!!!!

*No obscene language or other inappropriate articles acpetted.  You will receive a fine and could possibly be kicked out of UMP.  I really would hate to do this so come on, don't spoil the fun!!!!!


Visit the Daily Prophet Archives for past articles.



American Schools

by Ginny Weasley

American Schools arent all that great. You have to get up alot earlier then you did at hogwarts . I told my mom and dad that I do not like my school so they are telling me that if i do well im allowed to come back when the next term starts! I do not enjoy my teachers very much.