Welcome to the archives of the Daily Prophet.  Here we store the articles written during the last "term" of Hogwarts.  After a term in the archives, these articles will be replaced with more recent articles moved to the archives to allow space.  Enjoy!!!!

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Attention all Gryffindors

by Dumblearry of Gryffindor

Hi My name is Dumblearry and I'm in Gryffindor so i'm asking all Grffindors if they would like to be my friend or something. I'll be starting my first term on September 2,2001. I have to finish muggle elementary school first before my parents send me to Howarts. I'm hoping to have a lot of friends when I go to Hogwarts on September 2.


Everyone against Slytherin?

by Laurel Crimson of Slytherin

I, Laurel Crimson, just do not know why everyone thinks Slytherins are rotten. Sure, we may insult those below us and crave power, but we arn't really that bad. We have friends and family like everyone else. We have pets and games like everyone else. Just because we're a little, well, richer, dosn't mean we don't have feelings. When the kids from the other houses avoid me and whisper things about me behind my back, well, I get pretty darn mad! I give thumbs up to that wonderful Proffessor Severus Snape, for being so kind to us a Slytherins. Oh, and to all of those Gryffindors, we the Slytherins really don't like you, so we give you a large thumbs down. This is like racism!!!! Proffessor Dumbledore this is horrible! I am being treated like dirt just because I'm a rich spoiled girl! There is my complaint. If this continues I will be writing weekly, no, daily complaints! -Laurel Crimson




By Cho Ling of Hufflepuff

Young Neville Longbottom was mearly have a look around Hogwaarts and came across where all the owls rost.  Well the next day this young lad recived a owl holding a howler from his gram ( he will not tell us why) but holding it and running for his life he climed the stairs to the owl room then it expload sending Neville smashed into a wall of sleeping owls wakeing Draco's bird sending it in rage!  Flying down this bird attacked the young wizard, Neville not good with his wand tried to stop the bird but caught the bird on fire.  Neville was later fond by young Fred Weasly and rushed to the hospital for a gash and other wounds.  We wait to see what happens.  Good luck Neville!!!!!


The Quiddich World Cup
by Penelope Quirke

At the last Quiddich World Cup, their were many interesting happenings. After the match, Bulgaria vs. Ireland, in which Ireland won, but the bulgarian seeker, Viktor Krum, got the snitch, at the campsite where none other than Harry Potter was staying, a group of masked wizards, presumably Death Eaters, were seen levitating Muggles. Many fled to the woods, where the Dark Mark, the sign of You Know Who, was fired into the sky. Naturally this caused panic, and, in my opinion, requires further investigation.


I'm Sorry

By Ginny Weasley

I'm sorry to all but this coming month I will be leaving Hogwarts to go to a differnt school in America.  My parents recieved a lot of money over the summer and they decided that I shouldnt go to Hogwarts so they are sending me overseas. To all the Hufflepuffs I love u!  We had a great 3 months didnt we?  Also to my favorite teacher Mrs.Socera( head of hufflepuff) you defintely showed me a fun and intersting time at Hogwarts I will continue to send in Daily Prophet articles about my adventures in Americas Witchery Schools.



By Prof. Snape

Hello!!!!!!!! Good evening ladies and gentleman. I will be following in my fathers footsteps. You may already know him his name is Severus Snape. He taught potions but I will be teaching curses for this semester then around the middle of the semester i will be teaching you about counter curses. I cant wait to see you all in class love u all, o and im not as mean spirited as my father though





by Jonathan Diggory

Yesterday during the Bulgaria vs. Ireland quidditch match, Bulgaria came home with happy memories about a 210-130 win but were scared of another thing. Yesterday during the game, something dreadful happened. Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker, was hit with a spell from a drunk and frustrated fan (the fan is now serving time in Azkaban). The doctors think he is only knocked out but it could be worse. Since there is no countercurse, Viktor still hasn't woke up. The doctors must wait patiently. On better news, the Chudley Cannons were upset 170-180 in a very close match so Bulgaria still maintains first place. That's it for now. Tune in on February 16,2001 for more Bulgaria games.




Help Wanted!

by Hedwig Turnowl


We need a witch or wizard capable with excellent transfiguration skills.

Fee: 50 galleons/day

Job description: Perform for children w/o their wizard's license yet. Transform into multiple animals/things.  Also change things into other things (Ex: pebble into ladybug).

If you are skilled in transfiguration, send your resume by owl to:
Child Performing Group
108 Dudes Lane
Changeville, People Land 12345


Half muggle, half witch
by Lizzy Spellboound

I can still remember the day when i got the Hogwarts letter.
I had been sleeping in my room when I heard my grandmother scream!(shes a total muggle im only half muggle) I can also remember the yelling and screaming i got from her.But after a while of trying to convince her she finally said yes.The day i left she wouldn't speak to me at all.I didn't care though.I was to excited.And as far as i can remember i've been happy ever since.In fact these were some of the greatest moments in my life!



Best Friends

by Chiana

Hey if you like to talk well I don't
blame you everybody does especially Ron and Harry.
When I was reading the fourth book it gave me a chill
up and down my spine when Harry and Ron didn't talk
for that long extention of time.  Now don't worry they
start talking again for those of you who have just
started reading HP. They did have there times when
they didn't talk Harry and Ron I mean but not this
long I got so scared that they would never make up and
become friends again but that can't happen I thought
he and Ron are best friends but in the end they became
friends again do you have a best friend.



Quidditch Finals: Ireland Leprecons vs. Chudley Cannons

by Lizabeth Bell of Ravenclaw

The quidditch season is well on it's way. Who ever wins this competitive game will go to the World Cup Finals against Bulgaria! But who will win?
If Ireland once again goes to the World Cup then they will ,yes once again be playing Bulgaria for the 2nd year in a row for the title. We all remember last year's match- I'm sure. The Bulgarian Veela and Leprecons had it out just like their players did on the field. Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker got the snitch, although Ireland won. Irelands Seeker ended up with a horrible nose bleed.
The Chudly Cannons have been doing farely well in the last few seasons in Harry Potter's second year at school they were 9th in the leauge. This year they are in third but might move up to first we'll just have to see. Harry Potter's best friend, Ron, his favorite team is the Chudley Cannons. Let's see if he gets a win!
I'll try to keep you updated on what's happening, plus recaps from last years wild season. That's all for today.



Muggle Family

by-Lita Seance` of Gryffindor

As you know I have a muggle cousin that I visit during my summer vacation. Muggles like her don't understand what it's like to be a witch. She once walked in on me transforming her gerbil into a mountian lion. I thought she would take it lightly when I told her it was homework and it could be reversed. She threw me out of her room, along with the mountian lion, hid my belonings, and wouldn't retreive them untill I reversed the spell!
Yeah, whatever. I reversed the spell and got my stuff back. I don't get it. a mountian lion is so much more interesting then a gerbil. If you are taking this seriously then don't read the rest.
I was at the table eating dinner and I decided I did not want to eat rice. So I turned the rice bowl into a bowl of Every Flavor Beans when nobody was looking. Kathy got a dog dropping flavored one and barfed on her fathers pants.
She yelled, "What's this!" I told her what they were and she locked me in the bathroom when I went to wash my hands. I was in there for three hours. I had finally gotten my owl, Trinidy, to get me my wand and slide it under the door so I could open it. Trinidy's so loyal.
That night it was even worse. Before she went to bed, I was doing spells in her room. I turned her matress into a rock and forgot to undo it. When she jumped into her bed she got a broken ankle. Then she took Trinidy and let her fly out the window. Trinidy is still young and doesn't know to stay with me so it took three days to find her.
By the end of the week I was jumping off the walls to go home. When I found out we were leaving that afternoon, I decided to leave Kathy a present. Before I left I gave her gerbil fleas that only lasted for 24 hours. I let him loose in her bed and then put him back in his cage.
Last time I heard from her, she had to wear flea powder and take flea baths!

Meaning: Why are muggles so uptight about witches and wizards??




by- Lita Seance` of Gryffindor

When you were in first, second, third grade and so on, boys were... ICKY! What now?? Has the girl instinct suddenly changed for good or are boys still... ICKY???
Now that we're all more mature and older now, we all know that boys aren't that... ICKY any more. But, we do know what they are now. They're not... ICKY, they're... PICKY! I think I speak for all girls when I say what's with boys??
This is for all you guys out there. If you don't stop being... PICKY, we're gonna start being... ICKY! All it is is a little crush. Why do boys have to rub it in??

Meaning: What's the difference between boys then and now? They're still annoying and ..-CKY!



Harry Potter's Life Style
By Lizzy Spellbound of Hufflepuff

The truth about Harry Potter is very simple. It all started when he was just one year old. Voldemort came to the village, where he and his parents lived. He destroyed the village and stopped at his house. HIs father tried to fight him off, but died trying. When he found his mother trying to protect him, he tried to make a deal that he wouldn't kill her as long as she handed over Harry. But, she refused and dies. In an instant's second, when he tried to touch Harry, he had lost his power and given Harry his lightning shaped scar. Some people said he was dead and some said he was living, but nobody knew for sure. All anyone knew was Harry was the one survivor.

by Lita Seance` of Gryffindor

On a trip to the muggle world to visit my muggle cousin, Kathy, I was mysteriously intrigued by....the television channel called MTV. I found myself watching it on almost every minute of my free time.
MTV is a channel dedicated to the one thing that "reaches out to the world". Music. My first thought was How the heck does a TV channel represent music, I mean... isn't that what the radio is for?? Then my cousin, Kathy, explained music videos. Music videos are like movies with music instead of a conversation. After watching them from dawn till dusk, I totally understand how MTV is dedicated to music.
I stayed up late to watch something called the VMA's and TRL. I noticed there was alot of abbreviations. But, I was astounded and awed by some of the performances at the VMA's. For instance, people like Britney Spears over use their lustfull looks. The outfit she wore appauled me. Nice style, but see-through set the bomb off.
Then I came across a tiny, petite girl named Christina Aguilera. Not too say anything insulting to the pop star, but Britney made herself look like a cross between a muggle hoochie and a cow compared to Christina. But, that's just my opinion. MTV brought up alot of contoversy in music and stars. Someone named Eminem dissed just about every peep in there.
Also I noticed muggle stars are judged very harshly. I found myself judging too. I noticed some girls being called sexy and beautiful when the only thing that made them look good was what the were <or weren't> wearing. How stereotypical of these muggles! I thought this channel was about music anyway.
I was enduldged in this controversy and I gave myself a migrane. So I took an Advil and put on some WWF Wrestling. much better to watch people fight when you can just sit there and not feel pain at all.
Muggle television confuses and bewilders me. It just makes you not want to watch it. Then again, your practically addicted to it. I think I'll keep to my ¤Walk-Man¤ untill I visit Kathy again. .....My gosh, TV is so harsh.....

Meaning- What's the difference between TV and Music? It's all controversy anyway.




New Kid In School
by Lita Seance` of Gryffindor

The first few days at a new school are always the same for the new kid in school. This mysterious new student will be reffered to for the first few days as "the new boy/girl" then she/he will get a name. Hopefully the one that their mother gave to them. Affects of they're attitude will always be either negative or positive.
Positive- The "new kid's" name will buzz around school and will sooner or later be judged on every aspect and everything this person does. This person will be swallowed up and spit out with a whole new identity. In the positive case, the new kid will be with the hated and envied "in crowd" or "the populars".
Negative- As usual the "new kid" will be the talk of school. In the negative case, talk will be harsh. Judgement would proove sadly that the "new kid" isn't "good enough" to be Miss/Mr Popularity. After being spit out, the "new kid" will resemble the muggle cartoon character, Daria.
No matter how hard people try their attitude will most affect the judgement. But, school isn't the world and it isn't what your whole life depends on. Unfortunately, this is how it seems when you are in school. The thing is not to let it bother you and you will have a good school year ahead. The question is, do you want to be popular or do you want to be what you are if that's not it? No matter what people say, if your have friends you are always poular. Do the world and you a favor. Stay positive.

Meaning- Nobody can tell you what group you can hang with or what you are classified as or if you are "cool" or not. Unique, talented, or beautiful. Nobody cares as long as your you. And, that's what people like you for.




By Proffessor Sorcera
Flight Instructor and head of Hufflepuff

Greetings to all my marvelous students. I would like to tell you about some of the procedures that we will be going through for our magnificent class. First, I am Proffessor Sorcera, don't be afraid to e-mail me anything you need to ask me about! If you have questions, suggestions, or just want to say "HI!" feel free to do so. My e-mail address is I choose e-mail instead of owl post because my own owl, Phoebe, (who i will talk about in a minute) tends to get a bit jealous of those lucky birds who get to deliver all your fun and interesting mail. Now Phoebe is a big part of our class. We might play games with her such as catch the fluffball, this is where you need to find her (I need to talk to Mystica about this first! ;|) ) it is also possible that you will be given homework assignments to find pictures of owls or such. We will think of more things to do with this. But for now i just want you all to know that I will try to talk to all of you as much as I can. Halloween is coming up soon so I am having a little contest, now you see I am going to be the queen of the pixies and I'm quite sure that all of you have marvelous costumes planned, but poor Phoebe has nothing to wear. If you think of something SEND IT. You could get up to 30 extra house points. All who e-mail an idea will get at least 2 points. So come on. Whatcha got to lose!?

NOTE:  Contest ends on or before Decmeber 1, 2000.




Muggle Studies

By Proffesor Molly Weasley

Hello!!! Children, I know this was not required and trust me if I was you I wouldn't want to carry around another book, but if you could I need to buy any book you can find on Muggles, also I have gotten a class pet which is a dog his name is Candy, he will be helping us out with some of our lessons this year. Also I have heard that more people need to join the houses of Slytherin and Hufflepuff please find people to join those. Also I will be giving and award out to the best student this person will complete all the homework that is given, be intersted in the activity that we will be doing in class,etc. If its ok with Mystica I would like to award them money if that is ok or maybe housepoints or extra credit on their homework.This is Prof. Molly Weasley hope to see you in class.

Note from the Webmistress: This is a great idea to encourage students!  Prof. Weasley, in fact, IS allowed to give the best homework extra housepoints and perhaps money.  So get those quills out and start writing!




by Ginny Weasley of Hufflepuff

Hello, everyone my name is Ginny Weasley im a part of Hufflepuff house we desperatly need people in our house. Salisha(sorry about the spelling) and I really would like to have a full house and be able to play quiditch. I would like to tell you a little about Hufflepuff: our ghost is the Fat Friar. the house colors are yellow and black and the head of our house is Aeroon Socerea she is the best!!!! I love flying lessons!! Im a beater on our house team and for a good birthday present I would like people to please join Hufflepuff Thank You!!!!!!! GINNY!!!!!!!!!!


Muggle Studies

Proffesor Molly Welsey

Hello I'm the new teacher for the Muggle Studies.  I expect everyone to do their homework and pay attention to the work that is being given.  You will have to do many different assignments that require you to think very hard about Muggles and their lives. I hope to enjoy this term and so will you with this particular subject!



Hot New Styles

By Autumn Treebranch

This season, robes and cauldrons are becoming more and more elaborate. Just last week, I purchased new dress robes. They're bright yellow and tropical themed! Afterwards I saw a turquoise snakeskin print cauldron that I am planning on purchasing in the near future.
The hip new colors are generally bright and happy. Especially yellow, violet, turquoise, lime green, and red. Even ink is being sold in these colors. Witches and wizards are seeming happier and less stressful, too. This may seem odd at a time like this, but human psychology works in strange ways. This is Autumn Teebranch, signing off!




By Salisia Lippshil of Hufflepuff

The muggles have begun their school year.  As well as our wizarding world.  But what we are focusing on is a strange form of torture for the young muggles.  It is known in their world as "High School."  I went undercover for the first week of this "High School."  It certaintly was of nothing I had ever expierienced before.  The day usually begins between 7:00-8:00 AM, it is held in a massive and confusing structure of many labrinthian halls.  The students have 5 minutes in between classes to navigate through the extremely complex mases of halls.  Classes are unique to certain students abilities, while they get to choose certain classes, other classes are assigned.  Physical Education being one of them.  Students are forced to endure brutal excersise tactics against their will.
All I can say for these poor Muggle Children, is I'm glad it's not happening to me!




Percy Weasley Grows to be a Fine Young Man

By Lavender Brown of Gryffindor

The Weasley family should be pround of their tough, top son Percy. While he was at Hogwarts he was a Head Boy and then a Prefect. Now he is working for the Ministry of Magic, and a fine job he is doing. He should be encouraged and patted on the back for the fine work he is doing there.



By Lavender Brown of Gryffindor

Everyone who is skilled at flying, come to Hogwarts and join the best game around! It is called Quidditch, but we need four full teams to play. That means we need bodies! Well, players of course, but everyone has to start somewhere! Last four years Gryffindor has won, and Slytherin really wants revenge. So help out, join a Quidditch team at Hogwarts today!




Excitement For Young Witches and Wizards!

By Lavender Brown of Gryffindor

Young witches and wizards all around are jumping at the chance to be going to Hogwarts Wizarding School. They are buying their school supplies and getting ready to leave home. Every one is also excited about the learning spells they will do there and the exciting matches of Quidditch that the school sponsors. So pack up your cauldrons and robes young witches and wizards, Hogwarts Wizarding School is waiting!





by Cho Chang of Ravenclaw

Sirius Black has been spotted. The witch who has seen the Azkaban escapee is too scared to say a word. However, we will tell you that he has been spotted far from the magical school, Hogwarts, therefore, the dementors have been sent back to Azkaban. "I am very glad that the dementors left," says Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster, "They were very distracting to our everyday lives at Hogwarts." Well, there you have it folks, Sirius is still alive and is on the loose. Any information, please send an owl to the Minister of Magic.





by Lavender Brown of Gryffindor

Every one, come listen about the new fast moving, action packed, flying high in the sky sport you play on broomsticks! There are jobs for everyone, people with strength who wack things at each other and people who try to score, people who try to save goals, and the one special person who has to find the golden snitch. The best place to start Quidditch Playing is at Hogwarts, the famous wizarding school. Come on down, try the newest and best sport around - quidditch!





by Lavender Brown of Gryffindor

This story begins as Lavender Brown was walking down Diagon Alley, thinking how wonderful it was to be accepted to Hogwarts, just about the best wizarding school as she could have dreamed of. Both her parents had gone there, and were very skilled at magic. Lavender wished she could grow up to be just like them. Unfortunately, they worked many hours at the Ministry of Magic and Lavender had to do her school shopping alone. She loved strolling into stores and pulling out the number and password of her very own Gringotts vault - her parents had surprised her with a large amount of Galleons for her birthday - enough that she could open her own Vault, before she had to share with her parents. 200 Galleons, Lavender thought to herself. She didnt like to squander money, so she took her time searching for the best prices for the best product. At the end of the trip she was exhausted but happy that she had bought everything she needed for school and still had about 100 Galleons left. Wow! Thought Lavender. Then a sign hanging above her made a loud thump as it hit against the wall. Lavender looked up, and the sign read Eelyops Owl Emporium. Lavender almost jumped up so high that she hit her head on the sign. An owl! Why hadnt she thought of it before? When her parents weren't home, she could make friends with her owl and be loving to it. It was perfect - she could even bring her as company in Hogwarts. She slowly stepped inside the store, gazing at all the colors of owls - peach, brown, black, drk. brown, and white. She looked until her eyes could stay open no more. She was looking for a friend, a best friend that would keep her company and she could share her problems and secrets with. Suddlenly, a screech came from behind the counter. The salesperson moved a large brown owl and behind him was the best owl Lavender could have ever wished for. It was whitish-gray, which Lavender thought was the prettiest color she had ever seen. The salesperson tried to talk her out of buying her, saying that her color was not the way it was supposed to be which was pure white. Lavender kept on strong wanting the owl. The salesperson finally gave in and brought the cage over to Lavender. The owl hooted with affection. Lavender put her money down on the counter and took the owl out of the cage and held her close. Silver is what I will call you. The beauty of your coat and the beautiful silver in your heart that will let us be best friends. Lavender hugged Silver closely, the put her on her shoulder. The owl looked like it was smiling, even though there is no such thing. Lavender felt as if she were flying as she walked back through Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron, very happy...I mean....extremely happy with her shopping day and her new best friend, Silver.