Classes & Homework



Students earn housepoints by doing homework, so we need teachers!!!!!  Teachers make & grade the homework monthly and earn $$!!!  Homework can be puzzles, riddles, quotes, trivia, or really anything that has something to with your subject.  So help the kids- sign up as a teacher.  You write the homework and send it to me.  Send the answers to me with it.  Then either you'll or I'll post the homework and students can try it and, if they get it right, get housepoints.  If you want (and it would be a huge help), you can make your own page.  Just send me the address and I'll link to it.  You will post new homework about every month and be in charge of updating the page you make.  You can be a student and a teacher, but as a student, you can't do the work you gave as a teacher.  For some examples, see the real classes at the bottom of this page.  Please consider joining as a teacher.

         If you need to send me homework to post, click above (remember your name and the answers).





Want to earn more housepoints?  Then do homework!!!!!!  It's easy.  And even if it's hard, you can usually find stuff in the library.  Just send me the answers to homework by going to a teacher's class and sending them the answers you got.  You could learn something, too!!!  If you're right or if you showed effort, you'll usually get housepoints!!!!!!  Please consider joining as a teacher, too- you'll write homework and earn $$ (see above).  So try it- you've got nothing to lose!!!

The Brand New Policy:  The Diagon Alley supply thing wasn't working  because I couldn't calculate $ as fast as my mailbox filled up.  From now on, you can do homework whenever, but it would be good to get your supplies.




Flying Instruction

Muggle Studies

Defense Against the Dark Arts


Future Readings

Seance Leading

History of Magic

Unicorn Caretaking





Care for Magical Creatures

Home Economics

Strange Plants & Animals

Magical Instruments



Advanced Transfiguration (Animagi)


Quidditch and Broom Skills

Quidditch Facts and History