Muggle Studies

Prof. Molly Weasley



Send answers to me at Include your name and your house.



Hello Students, Professor Molly Weasley here.  Would you all please instead of sending your homework to Mystica please send it to me my email address is This month(December), is going to be very intriguing.  We will be exploring many new things in class and learning many things about the Muggle Society.  I have been very busy going over your homeworks but High School is very time consuming. So this month im free!!!!  We are going to get a little harder I know that last months homework was indeed easy but this one will be a little bit harder not much but a little.  Also at the end of the year I will award a best student for my class, if u completed ur homework all year showed great entusiam for what we learned in class you might jsut recieve this prize. You could recieve as a minuim 20 housepoints. This contest will officially close in May becuase I ned your homework and tally up how much you all have done.  The homework for this month is I would like you all to go exploring out side.  Understand the beauty of our society then I would like you all to draw me a picture of what you think the Muggle Society looks like.  If you cannot do that then here's something else you can do.  I would like everyone in at least two detailed paragraphs explain to me the muggle world.

Hope to see you in class!
Love your muggle teacher,

Molly Weasley