


Quidditch is a wonderful sport.  I am very fond of it myself.  Now, every house needs a full team if we intend to play.  We also need backup players in case someone can't play.  So sign up!!!!!  Each team needs three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper, and one Seeker.  When the quidditch season starts, I will post when the games are on the bulletin and I will email each member of the team.  When you win you get housepoints for your win.  Here are the rules:


Seeker: travel through scenes of sky and ground searching for the snitch (each scene will be a separate page with links to other scenes; ex: click on a cloud to see what it's like behind the cloud).  So people with a slow computer might not want to sign up as Seeker.  When Seekers find the snitch, they will send me an email and... well just wait until you find the snitch.  They will give their team 150 points, and this usually causes their team to win.

Keeper: Must find Quaffle.  You must also find your goal.  This represents that you are defending your goal from the Quaffle.  Emails me when found and I subtract points from opponent.

Chasers:  Must find Quaffle (there will be several; you can't score with the same Quaffle more than once).  When found, you must also find the opponents' goals.  This represents that you are scoring with the Quaffle in the opponent's goal.  Email me when both are found, you score (10 pts.)!

Beaters:  Must find Bludgers.  Emails me when found, and I subtract points from other team.




To join a team email me and tell me your wizarding name, your house, and the position you would like.  Please sign up, even if your house team is full- we need some backup players!  Below are the current listing of house teams:



Chaser:   Angelina Johnson
Chaser:   Katie Nell
Chaser:   Alicia Pinnet
Beater:   Hermione Granger
Beater:   Lita Seance`
Keeper:   Gabrielle Delacour
Seeker:   Lavender Brown

BACKUP:  Crystal Starlight, Moon Petals (seeker)

      Sorry, the Gryffindor team is full, but we need backup players. Please sign up!!!!!




Chaser:   Salisia Lippshil
Chaser:   Cho Ling
Chaser:   open
Beater:   open
Beater:   Angelina Spinnet
Keeper:   open
Seeker:   Chiana


Chaser:   Darcy Coothert
Chaser:   open
Chaser:   open
Beater:   open
Beater:   open
Keeper:   open
Seeker:   Liv De`Lyran


Chaser:   Lizabeth Bell
Chaser:   Mystica Jewel
Chaser:   Sakura Avalon
Beater:   Fred Weasley
Beater:   Haley Moonshine
Keeper:   Megan
Seeker:   Cho Chang

Yes!!!  At last, the second Quidditch team is full.  If you still want to play, sign up as a back-up player in case someone above is unable to play.



 If you enjoy online Quidditch, please check out the rules of how to play Quidditch At Home, by me!


Unfortunately, it seems we will not be able to play Quidditch this term at Hogwarts since the teams aren't full.  But since we need practice, I recommend Broomsticks by Paul Rajlich, an excellent online Quidditch site.  Enjoy!!!!