
for Muggles



Here are the unique rules of Muggle Quidditch.  This can be played at home- and it doesn't require the use of brooms.  The rules were invented by Mystica (the webmistress) and Fred Weasley and based off Quidditch in the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling.  Enjoy playing!  Send comments to Kalipso86@aol.com.



Materials:  1 (red) playground/beach ball

2 tennis balls (black) OR a bucket of water ballons per team

1 golf ball (yellow)

6 hula-hoops

6 poles/sticks about 3 ft. tall

1 whistle for the Referee

clubs for beaters (opt.)

a broom for each player (opt.)

8 robes of the same color (per team- opt.)

NOTE: colors are optional



Players:  14 maximum - 10 minimum*

3-2 Chasers (per team)

2-1 Beaters (per team)

1 Keeper (per team)

1 Seeker (per team)

1 Referee


*When playing with a very limited number, I recommend either playing without Beaters, OR having 1 goal with 1 Keeper, 1 Beater is on the Keeper's team, 1 Seeker and 1 Chaser are on their own team.  The Chaser/Seeker team would be the offensive team and the Keeper/Beater the defensive team for awhile, and they all switch positions (the Keeper becomes a Chaser or a Seeker, the Seeker becomes a Keeper or a Beater, etc.)  1 Referee is always needed.




Setup:  Before game, goals must be assembled.  A total of 6 goals are needed.  Attach pole to hula-hoop and dig pole into the ground firmly.  3 goals should be on each side of the field.  One side should look like this:

NOTE:  If you do not have these supplies handy, try some other type of goal (e.g: soccer net).

After preparing the goals, the Referee should take the golfball, representing the Snitch, and hide it somewhere on or around the field. It could be in the grass, bushes, leaves, etc.  Then take the water balloon buckets/tennis balls (representing Bludgers) and place one on each end of the field.  The Referee should hold the playground/beach ball (representing the Quaffle) until play begins.

Have the teams choose a name for themselves or at least make some was to tell one from the other (e.g: Teams A & B)



Play begins (and continues):  The two teams should choose who has what side.  This could be determined by a coin toss or the Ref assigning or each team agreeing on who gets what side.  The teams line up on there sides- the Chasers in the front on either side of the Ref (who is in the middle of the field), the Keeper is in his goal, the Beaters are on either side of the goal (Bludgers untouched yet), the Seeker is a few feet behind the Chasers.

The Ref blows the whistle, throws the Quaffle into the air, and moves out of the way.  The Chasers leap up and attempt to catch the Quaffle.  The Seeker runs off in search of the Snitch.  The Beaters may now touch the Blugers.  They throw the Bludgers (be careful if you are using tennis balls, don't hurt people!  You might want to aim for the ball they have).  They can throw it at the Quaffle when a Chaser is about to score, or towards the Seeker if he is about to find the Snitch or whatever.  But be careful!!!!!!

Chasers must toss the Quaffle to each other down the field to score.  This is kinda like basketball.  If there is more than 1 Chaser and you take more than 3 steps, you are "traveling" and the Ref should blow his whistle to stop play.

Chasers score by successfully tossing the Quaffle through the opposing team's goal hoop.  Each goal earns that team 10 points.

The Keeper guards the goals.  You don't want the Chasers to score!!!  Don't guard only one hoop and leave the other 2 unprotected.

The Seeker searches for the hidden Snitch.  When found and held securely in your fist, they game is over, and you have won your team 150 points.  The opposing Seeker may not attempt to get the Snitch out of your fist once you have caught it.


Fouls:  Fouls are awarded when someone does some act that could endanger other's safety (e.g: tripping, kicking, spitting, holding, etc.)  The team to which the foul has been commited sends one of its Chasers to other offending team's side.  There the Chaser goes one on one with the Keeper.  The Chaser attempts to score a goal, and if he succeeds, he wins his team 10 points.


Winning the game:  As in JKR's books, the game is over when the Snitch is found by a Seeker.  That Seeker wins his team 150 points.  All the goals are added up (each is worth 10 points) and the team with the most points wins, it's as simple as that!!!!



I hope you've enjoyed this game.  Gather some neighborhood friends this summer and try it out!  Tell me what you think!!!

Please do not copy my ideas on how Muggles can play Quidditch for your own site.  If you like this game, feel free to link to this page, but please do not copy this and claim it as your own.  Thank you!!!!


~Mystica (and Fred Weasley)



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