Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions



Welcome to my shop!!!!  I am Madam Malkin.  I can give you robes for any occasion.




Work robe (all colors)                         9 Galleons each

Black work robes (set of 3)*                    20 Galleons

Dress robes(brighter colors, fancier)   15 Galleons each



Pointed hat (plain, black)*                                5 Galleons

Pointed hat(designs; all other colors)                    9 Galleons

Other assorted hats (top hat, sun hat, etc.)   7 Galleons each



Winter(black, silver fastening)*              11 Galleons

Winter(Colors: w,sil,gr,navy,plum,grey)              11 Galleons each

Summer(light weight; Colors: gr,blu,y,w,pur)     8 Galleons each



*Hogwarts requirement



The robe, hat, or cloak you purchase will fit you exactly.  To purchase, send me an email by clicking the icon with your wizard name, what you are buying, its cost, your Gringotts vault number, and your Gringotts vault password.  Thank you for shopping at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.  Come again!!!!






animated.gif (c) Kitty Roach.