Welcome to Diagon Alley!


Congratulations, you have made it to Diagon Alley!!!  Here you will find numerous wizarding shops to suit all you needs.  We also carry all Hogwarts supplies.  Whenever you wish to buy something, you must send me an email with your wizard name, the item you wish to buy, its cost, your Gringotts vault number, and your Gringotts vault password.  So enjoy your shopping!!!  Here's some shops you won't want to miss:

*When buying the supplies on the first year Hogwarts list, ONLY those, send ONE email with the words "First year Hogwarts supplies" in the items slot.  Leave the cost blank(it totals to somewhere near 90 Galleons, but I'll take care of that math).

*Also- when buying any items in the same shop, DO NOT send more than ONE email from the shop unless you are buying an excessive number of items from the shop (e.g. more than 7?)

Comming soon:  You can own your own shops!!!!!!  Soon I will make this feature available to you, but it's not ready yet.





Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor

Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions

Flourish & Blotts

Quality Quidditch Supplies

Magical Menagerie

Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop

Eeylops Owl Emporium

Second-Hand Wizarding Shop

Astronomy Shop

Cauldron Store



Knockturn Alley