Quality Quidditch Supplies




Welcome to Quality Quidditch Supplies.  Here we are proud to carry all types of brooms: from those fit for the Quidditch World Cup to family brooms.  We also carry all types of Quidditch accessories.  Whenever you wish to buy something, you must send me an email by clicking the icon with your wizard name, the item you wish to buy, its cost, your Gringotts vault number, and your Gringotts vault password.  Thank you for shopping at Quality Quidditch Supplies.  Come again!



Types of Broomsticks:

Firebolt                             100 Galleons

Nimbus 2001                      45 Galleons

Nimbus 2000                      40 Galleons

Cleansweep7                      35 Galleons

Cleansweep6                     30 Galleons

Cleansweep5                     25 Galleons

Comet 260                      20 Galleons

Shooting Star                     15 Galleons

Silver Arrow                     10 Galleons

The Bluebottle: a family broom                25 Galleons           

Children's Broom*                     5 Galleons

*(rise no more than a foot off the ground)




Broomstick Servicing Kit                     10 Galleons
Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Broomcare                     3 Galleons
Flying with the Cannons
                                      3 Galleons
Quidditch Teams of Britan and Ireland
                     3 Galleons
Which Broomstick
                                    2 Galleons per issue
Wimbourne Wasp robes(full set)                     60 Galleons
Chudley Cannon robes(full set)                     60 Galleons




animated.gif (c) Kitty Roach.